Organisation WPBU Counci

What We Do

The WPBU Council is the main decision making body of the organisation in the intervals of WPBU Congress.
The final composition of the WPBU Council consists of 15 members: one President, elected by the WPBUCongress; five vice presidents, and 9 other members elected by the member associations – each for a term of four years. A minimum of one female representative must be elected per confederation. The President and the members of the Council may serve for no more than three terms of office (whether consecutive or not).

Vice Presidents


Bureau of WPBU Council

The Bureau of the Council shall deal with all matters within the competence of the Council requiring immediate decision between two meetings of the Council. The Bureau of the Council shall consist of a maximum of seven members. The WPBU President and the six confederation presidents are ex officio members of the Bureau of the Council.

The President shall convene meetings of the Bureau of the Council. If a meeting cannot be convened within an appropriate period of time, decisions may be passed through other means of communication. Such decisions shall have immediate legal effect. The President shall notify the Council immediately of the decisions passed by the Bureau of the Council.

All decisions taken by the Bureau of the Council shall be ratified by the Council at its next meeting.

WPBU Council
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